Monday, February 25, 2013

Recently completed oil on canvas painting 11x14 inch. Early 1860's U.S. Army Civil War cavalry corporal with  camp following shepherd dog.  Just finished this a month or so ago.  Fun combining my love of painting with historical research.  Am now working on one the same size, "a companion piece".
Confederate soldier, actually the brother to this young man with the dog.  Read an actual account the other night about two brothers fighting on different sides. Both going on furlough home, with the federal soldier arresting his brother while both were home at the same time. How about that?

Monday, February 11, 2013

new images studio tour

interior of my small gallery space showing paintings and artifacts I have collected.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Calvary Painting 1880's

Working day 7 oil on canvas 30"x40" of Mounted Calvary 1880's at Green River headwaters Wyoming. Another three weeks to completion.